Cmax System was presented and blessed by Pope Francis

Cmax System was presented and blessed by Pope Francis
Cmax System was presented and blessed by Pope Francis

Francisco received the industrial designer Nicolas Garcia Mayor.

By Diego Yañez Martínez, La Nación. Read full article

” My heart was going to explode me” . With those words Nicolás García Mayor La Nacion described his excitement after being received by Pope Francisco. The mobile shelter to shelter victims of natural disasters with which stunned the United Nations (UN ) earned him the blessing of the high priest .

Last , during the usual general audience that takes place in the square of St. Peter’s Basilica , the young industrial designer , 34 , Wednesday was congratulated in person Francisco for its ” struggle, faith and perseverance.”

” His Holiness said that the project was already blessed by God and thus achieve a better world , thinking of our brothers , those who suffer . I promised to continue making mess and never would lower arms. And we hugged sibling someday see each other again , “said still excited.

Cmax system Was presented to pope Francis

From Paris , where yesterday ended the exhibition of objects Maison et Objet , one of the world’s most important and which represented the Argentina with a design of green lights, Garcia Mayor recounted through an exchange of emails with this medium, his surprise and joy at being able to show the Pope Cmax System such project name , as in honor of his younger brother.

“I thought only I would be able to say hello , give something and go. And it was not, he was very interested , opened the catalog, asked me questions , I welcomed my struggle and said that I have to keep giving the example of thinking always providing the needy love of neighbor , said.

Vatican today reportedly more than 100 million refugees in the world. “The mobile shelter generated much interest for the great help that can generate and the times with evacuees from Syria ,” said the designer bahiense .

“Only in a refugee camp in Syria, with 35,000 people , 10 children die per day due to poor health and housing conditions. Humerus and sleep on the cold floor . This can be avoided ,” he said .

The cabin has a capacity for ten people, can be put on any surface and , above all, is easy to assemble . It is made of polypropylene , aluminum and polyester fabric , and also brings an additional three bathrooms that can be placed in three modules and a survival kit provided with food, water , pencils and notebooks.

On Wednesday , Garcia Mayor presentation to 192 – UN representatives after attending a meeting in which caught the attention of the leaders of humanitarian aid agency , to get funding for the initiative. “Having this spiritual support fills me with strength and renew the hope of a brotherhood between nations in the toughest situations that touch the people live ,” he said .

” Never lose hope , God fills us with his grace if we ask for it with perseverance .” “Those were the words of Francis I carry in my heart to keep going ,” he concluded , ever closer to fulfilling his dream


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